• Gabion mattresses, like gabions, are wire fabric containers, uniformly partitioned, of variable size, interconnected with other similar containers and filled with stone at the site of use, to form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures such as gabion retaining walls, sea walls, channel linings, revetments and weirs for earth retention.
    Mattresses are relatively small in height in relation to the lateral dimension of a gabion and are generally used for channel linings. Our gabions and mattresses are manufactured from welded wire mesh and assembled with our preformed spiral binder (3" pitch). We suggest the use of preformed stiffeners at each exposed face of the gabion.
    Gabion mattresses material:
    1.Zinc 5% Aluminum - mixed rare earth alloy steel.
    2.Zinc 5% Aluminum - mixed rare earth alloy steel wire PVC coated.
    3.Hot dipped high galvanized steel wire.
    4.PVC coated hot-dip high galvanized steel wire.
    Gabion mattresses features:
    1.Flexibility: low-carbon steel wire as a combination of structure, Reno mattress has a strong flexibility to adapt to the local subsidence deformation of foundation and protected body. Reno mattresses can adjust their own healing, to prevent the continued development of the deformation.
    2.Durability: The Reno mattress is a structure made of hexagonal woven Low carbon steel wire, with hard rock combined to form a very large overall durability.
    3.Environmental friendly: Reno mattresses are filled with stones Meeting certain requirements to form protection structures. In the waterfront environment, the voids in the rock fill become progressively filled with silt, promoting vegetation growth which is essential to the preservation and maintenance of the ecological balance of the surrounding environment.
    4.Permeability: The stone fill allows the water to seep through the structure while retaining the soil, therefore no additional drainage is required to relieve the hydrostatic pressures. The Reno mattress ensure natural water exchange with the natural groundwater, further strengthened the environmental effects.
    5.Integrity: The Reno mattress constituted by independent units, but between each adjacent unit has steel wire twisted, So it has good integrity.
    6.Economy: The stones Reno mattress required is gravel or pebbles, so the stones cost is low. Reno mattress construction does not require skilled labor because they are very easy to build. No drainage system, Limited construction equipment can be used. If the design and construction is reasonable, the structure is long life and no maintenance.
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    Keywords:Gabion Mattress
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